In today's fashion industry, which is characterized by fast pace and mass production, more and more people are longing for individual and sustainable solutions. Personal Shopping offers just that: a customized shopping experience tailored to the personal needs and style of each customer. And when we bring sustainability with slow fashion labels into the mix, the shopping experience becomes unique.


Sustainable lookbooks as a basis

As personal shoppers for sustainable fashion, we specialize in Look book that are not only inspiring but also practical. These lookbooks are a kind of shopping essentials that allow customers to expand their wardrobes wisely. But what exactly are these lookbooks?

  1. Curated selection : Each lookbook contains a carefully selected collection of clothing, accessories and shoes. We make sure that all pieces are sustainable slow fashion labels . These labels rely on environmentally friendly materials, fair working conditions and transparent production processes.
  2. For women and men : Our lookbooks are gender neutral. I firmly believe that sustainable fashion should be for everyone. That's why my lookbooks feature both feminine and masculine styles.
  3. Versatile outfits : Each lookbook contains a variety of outfits that are suitable for different occasions. From casual to elegant, from office to leisure - let yourself be inspired, together we can create your individual look.

The individual touch

The key to success in personal shopping is the individual touch. This is where your Customer needs and style in the game:

  1. Style advice : Before we create a lookbook, I get to know you as a customer. What colors do you like? What cuts suit you? Together we will find out which style suits you.
  2. Sustainable labels : We take into account not only personal style but also our customers' values ​​for true sustainability. We ensure that all pieces featured in the lookbook come from sustainable fashion brands.
  3. Customization : The lookbooks serve as a starting point. I adapt the outfits to individual needs. Maybe you need a casual outfit for an evening event or a street style outfit. We are flexible and take your personal life situation into account.

Sustainability as added value

The combination of personal shopping and sustainability offers unique added value to you:

  1. Time saving : You don't have to spend hours wandering around shops. The lookbooks provide a clear selection that suits your personal style.
  2. Conscious consumption : Sustainable fashion is not only good for the environment, but also for your own well-being. You can shop more consciously and identify better with your clothes.
  3. Individual advice : Personal contact with us as a personal shopper enables you to receive individual advice that goes beyond mere shopping.

In a world that is constantly changing, it is important that we shop consciously and choose our style wisely. Personal shopping with sustainable lookbooks offers just that - a unique and environmentally friendly shopping experience.

Book a free initial consultation with one of our OOOHnice consultants now via Whatsapp or Calendly! We look forward to advising you personally and fulfilling your wishes!

Serdar Özdemir